Youth representatives from San Sebastian Cathedral, Tarlac were being sent to attend in the Basic Course on Youth Ministry; a two-day seminar which facilitates better understanding about the many aspects of youth ministry present in different sectors such as schools, parishes, and communities. I was fortunate to be chosen as one of them.
At first, we expected that this seminar will be another typical seminar like those which we have previously attended. I describe a typical seminar as being bombarded with ideas by listening to the talks, Yet in the end, we participants find ourselves out of focus, not accomplishing our objectives, and finding it hard to fish out ideas and lessons from the seminar, which we think are necessary to our community. First impressions don’t last. As the program went on running, my companions and I found ourselves regretting our previous expectation about this seminar, especially when we discovered ourselves appreciating, participating and enjoying every activity.
We listened and participated starting from the animations, instructions and game activities up to the speakers’ inputs and reflections. The BCYM seminar broadened our view of the issues and questions arose from the activity to clarify things about the youth ministry. This serves as a good point for the facilitators’ effort to make the activities lively and responsive.
We will not forget the Basic Course in Youth Ministry as we have found its importance to us youth ministers. This seminar affirmed the role of the youth, that in due time they will no longer become recipients and spectators of change in this generation, but they will also become agents of social transformation, The call of the great Father of the World Youth Day, Pope John Paul II lives to this very day to affirm and encourage the young: “You are a special treasure of the Church!”
Jaypee M. Lopez
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